Is this Guy for Real?
February 20th, 2009 by HBH | Filed under From The Admin.Sent in from one of our readers, Patrick Liberman:
The quote below is from Eklund, while ripping the Montreal Media. This comes from a guy who for the most part makes up lies about players being traded, starting online debates of a players worth and value..he does this while hiding behind the “Anonymous Hockey Blogger” Label.
In my stories on you will often find many rumors about players being discussed in possible trades….these rumors are interesting and enjoyable for all of us to ponder, discuss and debate. In my stories on you will NEVER find any gossip about players in regards to their life away from the rinks or their personal lives…
Being traded more or less means that the player in question is no longer wanted on his current team or found useful. Being traded means a player would have to move his home and family to another city and start over. Being traded means saying goodbye to close friends, having your kids start in new schools and have to meet new friends.
Ya, right Eklund, what you do has nothing to do with a players personal life… least in Montreal they take responsibility and accountability for what they write and do it under their real names.